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Alina Samarasan

2024 Whipple Writing Fellow

Alina Samarasan ‘25 is a dog mom, an avid reader, and an occasional artist. As a child, she owned a poetry notebook and a short story notebook that, when filled, were each followed by second and third editions. At the age of twelve, she published one of these short stories in Stone Soup, a literary magazine written and illustrated entirely by kids. In 2021, she participated in GrubStreet’s Teen Summer Writing Fellowship and became a published poet in their anthology. She has published travel writing, climate writing, and an article about housing justice in Brookline High School’s GreenZine, an online activist magazine. She enjoys using her writing to support a greater cause, and she looks forward to continuing this during the Fellowship. In her free time, she can be found at robotics practice, singing with her acapella group or at dance class, tutoring kids in math, or leading the BHS Banned Book Club. She also really loves bubble tea!

Alina's Whipple Writing Fellowship Piece is coming soon!

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